Thursday, January 29, 2009

The United States Ministry of Wages

... may become a reality, the way Obama talks:

President Barack Obama lashed out on Thursday at “shameful” Wall Street executives for claiming billions of dollars in bonuses while their stricken institutions asked taxpayers for support.

Mr Obama was responding to a report showing that financial sector employees received $18.4bn (£12.9bn) in bonuses last year, amid dire financial crisis. The figure was down 44 per cent from 2007 but was still the sixth largest payout in history.

Who is this guy kidding? He rounded up the donations from Wall St. like a mad man.

Personally, however, I don't feel as if executives are unreasonably paid. It's not because I have some delusion that I will get so rich as to have a golden parachute. It has more to do with the fact that government has no business setting pay-offs. Where do they get the authority?

The board room is responsible for doling out executive pay. If shareholders don't demand accountability, then it's their problem. Furthermore, if Americans are too stupid to get out of their high-fee mutual funds when the sky is falling, the last of their worries is executive pay.

Obama is already on the path to destroying America. I don't understand why he's endorsing the Ledbetter fair-pay non-sense either. From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was written in response to a 2007 Supreme Court decision. Lilly Ledbetter of Gadsden, Alabama, discovered after 20 years of service to Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company that she was paid a fraction of what her male coworkers were paid for the same job. In an opinion that diverged from several appellate court decisions, the Justices ruled that although it was clear Mrs. Ledbetter suffered from discrimination, workers alleging wage discrimination must file their suit within six months of the first instance of discrimination. Lilly Ledbetter was denied any redress. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Law restores the traditional interpretation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and considers each new paycheck a new act of discrimination. This would allow individuals claiming pay discrimination to file suit upon discovering the inequity, regardless of the first pay period.

Way to make it so minorities and women will never get hired ever again voluntarily, Obama. Minorities and women can now stand in the unemployment line with the handicapped people who haven't been able to get jobs as a result of the ADA.

The unintended consequences of Obama's senseless push for "equality" will change the jobs landscape so dramatically that we are absolutely doomed to become another France. Thank God I don't have any college debt to pay off.

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