Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama writes a letter to Iran? Pure propaganda.

If the US doesn't aggressively bomb Pakistan (i.e., more than drone strikes) or Iran before 2010, I will buy pizza for everyone at the CUL meeting.

I've never seen such extreme propaganda before in my life. It's getting so extreme in this country that I'm thinking I better leave before I get rounded up and put into a concentration camp where there's an oven with my name on it. You'd have to be a complete boob to think this "letter from Obama" is genuine when we've got Clinton assuring Israel we're their puppet and Rahm Emmanuel running around trying to push conscription agendas where our first-born belong to the state.

Just look at the filth in the above link:

One draft proposal suggests that Iran should compare its relatively low standard of living with that of some of its more prosperous neighbours, and contemplate the benefits of losing its pariah status in the west. Although the tone is conciliatory, it also calls on Iran to end what the US calls state sponsorship of terrorism.

Iran only has Pariah status with the west because Kermit Roosevelt went into Iran back around '53 to destabilize its government. The history is all there on Wikipedia. The Iranians were pro-west years and years ago, and now the media tells us they can lose their pariah status with us.

The US government put in an oppressive dictator to rule Iran in '53 and today runs around claiming it's all about bringing democracy to oppressed peoples. Furthermore, the US bankrolled Saddam when he was running his war with Iran in the 80s. Yet, we never hear about this in our media. This should be evidence to everyone that our media is clearly controlled and has no interest in providing us with an accurate account of why things are the way they are in this world.

Iran is not a threat to the west. I feel the US media beating the war drums again; however, this time they are using Obama's political popularity to plant the idea that we're the good guys and that Iran deserves a good pounding if they don't "change their ways."

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