Wednesday, January 28, 2009

$335,000,000 for STD Prevention in Economic Stimulus Bill

The title of this post is not a joke. Our government has gone mad. This is why I can never vote for democrats. It's all about social programs with them.

Why is the federal government involved in trying to prevent the spread of STDs? This is clearly a local problem that should be handled by local officials in areas where it is clearly a local problem. New York City has various clinics for STDs and a free condom program, but I think it's unreasonable to ask a guy living in Alaska in the wilderness to pay for New York's STD problems.

I tend to believe churches and local community organizations can do a better job of managing these kinds of things than the federal government. I couldn't imagine having a burning sensation on my wang or warts on my balls and then having to go to the federal government to ask them to check it out. It also doesn't make sense for them to dole out the STD cash to local communities to create a "stimulus."

Nancy Pelosi is a complete retard.

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