a href="http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_treatment/default.aspx"Suzy Khimm/a offers some thoughts on the presence of LaRouchites along the midways of various health care town halls.blockquoteThe LaRouchies' logic seems virtually indistinguishable from the current right-wing fear-mongering. "Citizens are receiving Hitler-era ‘reasons' for why they must accept drastic medical cutbacks, sickness, and death," LaRouche writes on his site. "For example, you must forego what is called ‘wasteful, excessive treatment,' during your end-of-life months." The only difference between their agitations and the far right's histrionics? Larouchies maintain that Obama and his cronies are in cahoots with HMOs and the insurance industry-and that the real solution to their fascistic agenda is a single-payer plan (which would presumably be rid of its Hitler-inspired leadership, though they don't go into the details)./blockquoteI suspect the LaRouchites would argue that once HMOs are abolished and a href="http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2009/3628lar_obama_fascist_health.html"placed on trial for crimes against humanity/a, their political enablers will join them in the dock -- thus turning the American political system over to a new class of leaders who are determined at last to do battle against the English Crown.br /br /Nuance aside, Khimm is obviously correct to point out the crossover between LaRouche and the Soylent Green Right; however, she fails to notice the most obvious (and literal) link in the axis. While Sarah Palin's views on the a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Views_of_Lyndon_LaRouche#The_.22British.22_conspiracy"Queen of England and her role in the international drug trade/a are, as yet, undisclosed, LaRouche has a href="http://larouchepub.com/other/2002/2908ibero_ldbge.html"been a perennial advocate of a Land Bridge to Nowhere/a, connecting Asia and the Americas by tunneling under the Bering Strait. LaRouche's ideas are custom-made for someone like Palin, whose "Drill, Baby, Drill" mantra could be easily adapted to support yet another federally-funded project to benefit a state comprised of independent, freedom-loving people who proudly reject federal funds except when, like, they prefer not to.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/7163938-2418298335602007841?l=lefarkins.blogspot.com'//div
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