Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dick Durbin Needs to Hear FROM YOU

From a href="http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/8/9/764204/-PUBLIC-OPTIONDick-Durbin-Needs-to-Hear-It-First-Thing-Monday-Morning"DailyKos/abr /br /blockquotestrongPUBLIC OPTION--Dick Durbin Needs to Hear It First Thing Monday Morningbr /by Buck Powerbr /Sun Aug 09, 2009 at 12:11:29 PM PDT/strongbr /br /Sam Stein over at the Huffington Post details Senator Dick Durbin's appearance today on CNN's "State of the Union". br /br / One of Barack Obama's chief allies in the United States Senate hinted on Sunday that a public insurance option could go by the wayside as Congress hammers out its health care legislation.br /br / Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union," Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), one of the chamber's foremost progressives, said that while he supported a government-run option for insurance, he was "open" to alternatives.br /br / "Just understand that, after we pass this bill -- and I hope we do -- in the Senate, it will go to conference committee," said Durbin. "We'll have a chance to work out all of our differences."br /br /There can be no meaningful health care reform without a public option. Senator Durbin needs to be reminded of this. We need to flood his office with our views first thing monday morning. Very simple. br /br /br /br /You can use Senator Durbin's online US Senate contact page:br /http://durbin.senate.gov/...br /br /Or (PREFERABLY!) you can give his office(s) a call:br /br / strong WASHINGTON, D.C. Officebr / 309 Hart Senate Buildingbr / Washington, DC 20510br / 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.br / Phone: (202)224-2152br / Fax: (202)228-0400br /br / CHICAGO Officebr / 230 South Dearborn Streetbr / Suite 3892br / Chicago, IL 60604br / Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.br / Phone:(312) 353-4952br / Fax: (312) 353-0150br /br / SPRINGFIELD Officebr / 525 South 8th Streetbr / Springfield, IL 62703br / Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.br / Phone: (217)492-4062br / Fax: (217)492-4382/strongbr /br /Senator Durbin is one of President Obama's strongest allies in the senate. Bottom line: we cannot afford to lose him. We must overwhelm him with responses to this, and remind him of his mission. It'll take just a few minutes of your time monday morning to give him a buzz!br /br /Anyone with additional means of contacting the senator, please post it up and I will include it. I admit this was hastily compiled. I wish we could send him cartons of band-aids or something. Because "reform" without a public option is just that--a band aid on a gunshot wound!/blockquotebr /br /br /I'm tired of these MOFOS thinking that we're going to just sit back and take while they SELL US OUT and then tell us that we don't see what they're doing.br /br /FUCK THAT. br /br /strongCALL CALL CALL/strongdiv class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/21083673-6226201200803868290?l=mirroronamerica.blogspot.com'//div

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