Thursday, August 13, 2009

Original cap-and-trade creators doubt its CO2 use

Thomas Crocker and others who came up with emissions cap-and-trade systems to control traditional air pollution a href=""doubt its applicability to global warming/a. One difference is the global nature of, er, global warming. Another, he said, is that warming’s costs haven’t been sufficiently quantified yet to properly price /br /The better answer, Crocker and others say, is carbon /br /At the same time, the National Association of Manufacturers and other big biz groups claim the Waxman-Markey climate control bill, a cap-and-trade bill, could cost a href=""2 million jobs/a. Nonsense. Nobody in Europe talks about job losses even close to that, let alone job losses in the abstract as a major fallout of the /-END-div class="blogger-post-footer"There is no god and I am his prophet.img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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