Jesus can bite me if he endorses or actually exists in a manner that validates these socialist morons. I question why I tolerate leftists (and neo-cons) and their ideas that involve taking wealth from me by force. Are these ideas to be tolerated?
I'm not rich -- there's not much to take. It's the principle of the matter. Take 1% from me today, tomorrow take my home, and the day after take my left testicle. There's no end to the "they need more money" and "help the poor" arguments coming from the left and the laughable "compassionate" conservatives.
Suppose for a moment that there may be truth to the idea that the poor are poor because their decision making process is impaired. Will it do any good if you shovel cash in front of someone with the mental capacity of a mentally challenged lemming? What about if you do it over decades? No, and hell no (respectively.) So why take from productive citizens to subsidize the impaired decision making process of born-again chimps? It makes no sense.
It's infuriating.
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