Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bob Gates, Richard Danzig and pseudoliberal wishful thinking

First, per the claim by MSLBs that Gates is "apolitical" - hah! His Wiki bio notes his college activity in Young Republicans.

And, of course, there's his Iran-Contra connections. And, not just Iran-Contra. How much did Gates know about mining Nicaraguan harbors, Central American death squads and their CIA support, etc.?

But, the fact that whiny torture supporter John Brennan advised Obama to vote for FISA deform should tell us that Obama doesn't care that much about Gates' record with the CIA, not just with Iran-Contra

Not everybody is so kindly disposed to former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig having a prominent role in DoD either. From the real left, Alexander Cockburn at Counterpunch:
Somewhere don the road we’ll probably end up with another slimy fellow, former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig, who counts among his regular roosts CSIS and the Center for A New American Security, also decorated by the odious Robert Kaplan and Dr John Nagl.

The Center for A New American Security? It's another John Podesta tentacle. The Clintonite employment counselor, if you will, of Podesta.

If "change" means the Bipartisan Foreign Policy Establishment, well, there you go. CSIS just confirms this.

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