Saturday, November 1, 2008

Robocall Today

We got a robocall today. Here's the text:
Hello. I'm calling on behalf of John McCain to tell you that Barack Obama's "Share the wealth" tax plan puts your Medicare and Social Security at risk. Here's how: When Obama raises your taxes then spreads your wealth around, what he's really doing is taking taxes meant to fund Social Security and Medicare and giving the money to people who don't pay any taxes at all.

We work hard for our Social Security and Medicare. It's not right for Obama to put it at risk.

This call was paid for by McCain/Palin 2008 at 866 558-2875.
I'll try to get an audio posted AS SOON AS I FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT.

If anyone can give me a hand on this, drop me an e-mail.

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