Sunday, November 2, 2008

Naïveté watch – Steve Benen and Kevin Drum

Two deluded people on voter registration reform or nobody

At Washington Monthly, Steve Benen believes the GOP would willingly sign off on the federal government registering voters.

At Mother Jones, Kevin Drum things we should make a national ID card part of this.

My response to both of them, in order:

Boy, are you naive if you think the GOP would sign off on this, Steve.

The last thing it wants to do is depoliticize this.

Ditto for Dems on certain issues.

Some 20 months ago, I and many other real progressives begged Pelosi to attach a COLA to the min-wage increase. Wasn't done.

But, Steve isn't half as naive as Kevin is.

As for “national ID,” there’s going to have to be decades of trust-building before I’d accept a national ID card, given what the current administration would have done with one.

And, given his status as a FISA 45 percenter, the “that one” from Illinois hasn’t raised the cockles of trust inside me very much on civil liberties issues.

Geez, with MSLBers like this, no wonder Kool-Aid sellers can get elected as “agents of change.”

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