Sunday, November 2, 2008

The "Town Hall" Pre-Emptive Whine

I believe that this crap was also a centerpiece of McCain's SNL appearance yesterday. Of course, the idea that McCain had to run a dishonest campaign centered around inane trivia because Obama wouldn't agree to the precise debate schedule he requested has always been risible on its face. But it's particularly hilarious to see The Dean swallow the whining given that 1)there was a town hall debate, 2)McCain performed abysmally, and 3)as Steve says, the McCain campaign continued to be centered around idiotic guilt-by-distant-association smears and the claim that a 39% marginal tax rate McCain supported less than a decade ago is "socialism" while 36% is "America first" after the magic of the town hall debate happened. If this "stop hitting yourself" argument seems plausible to you, it's probably a sign that your op-ed slot needs to be turned over to someone capable of basic reasoning.

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