Sunday, June 28, 2009

Greg Mankiw BS on national healthcare

He claims that a single-payer type public option is no different a href=""than a nonprofit group setting up a healthcare plan/a:br /blockquoteBut if such a plan were desirable and feasible, nothing would stop someone from setting it up right now. In essence, a public plan without taxpayer support would be yet another nonprofit company offering health insurance./blockquotebr /Well, lemme see, the purchasing and price negotiation power of the whole U.S., potentially, versus the small number of members of a /br /He then claims it would eventually need public subsidies, just like Fannie Mae and Freddie /br /Well, no, or at least not for those reasons. National health insurance doesn’t buy up subprime /br /Finally, Mankiw gets to the bottom-line conservative bogeyman. They’re afraid of real competition in health insurance:br /blockquoteA dominant government insurer, however, could potentially keep costs down by squeezing the suppliers of health care. This cost control works not by fostering honest competition but by thwarting it./blockquotebr /So, big is OK for Microslob, but not for healthcare, just because it’s not privately owned? a href=""What bullshit/ /br /Meanwhile, at the WaPost, its copy editors win the prize for misleading headline of the year, claiming “a href=""sniping among liberals/a” endangers any healthcare /br /No, it’s sniping BY liberals at centrist neo-somethings like Kay Hagen, Ben Nelson and Sen. Betty Crocker, Dianne Feinstein.div class="blogger-post-footer"There is no god and I am his prophet.img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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