Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We don’t torture? Do we?

So, why did the “we don’t torture” line in Obama’s State of the Union address get so much GOP applause?

Given his administration’s ambiguous-at-best, temporizing-at-worse stance on Guantanamo- and rendition-related issues, I don’t believe his “We don’t torture” claim.

Given the injuries of former Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed, beaten up to the day of his release to Britain – the day AFTER the What-a-gon’s claims – empiricial evidence also says otherwise.

Why did that get so much GOP applause, anyway? Does the Congressional GOP have a sense Obama will strongly oppose the Leahy-Conyers “truth and reconciliation” drive? Will he try to eviscerate such a bill in Congress? Will he have AG Holder ignore it if passed? Would he even dare veto such a bill?

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