Saturday, February 28, 2009

‘Touching’ Morning News editorial ignores natl healthcare boat

The Dallas Morning News today had a touching editorial on the fatherly dedication of David Cameron to his son, Ivan, afflicted with cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

David Cameron also just happens to be the leader of Britain’s Conservative Party. As a result of all the time spent with his son, he would…

Strengthen Britain’s National Health Service if he came to power.

And, the editorial ends shortly thereafter, with a “silence gives assent,” it would appear, nod toward Cameron’s plan.

The same week that President Barack Obama announces a plan for a major overhaul in American healthcare, at least moving our country toward national healthcare, sure to generate GOP opposition…

And the Snooze either cannot or will not do a second-grade logic level of connecting the dots to its tacit support for the leader of Britain’s conservatives in expanding national healthcare there.

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