The Green Party would disagree with both duopoly parties on energy; one is moderately more serious than the other about alt energy, but hopelessly compromised on both
Obviously, the Green Party would massively disagree with both Prez and both Veep candidates on gay rights.
Opposing gay marriage is discrimination. To claim otherwise is a lie.
And, marriage in general is a civil not a church institution. I hope gay marriage rights remain standing in California after Nov. 4, and that Scalia, Roberts and Alito are prepared to put their decisions where their mouths are at when the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution hits the road of “originalism” jurisprudence.
Joe Biden “skated” pretty swiftly on his role in the 2005 bankruptcy bill, and on what that bill really means. Do they discuss THAT around Dover dinner tables, Joe?
Beyond the Green twist, both candidates were wrong on Iran vs. Pakistan. A seriously destabilized Pakistan is worse than a nuclear Iran. Two panders on that, because that’s sucking up to the hardest-core of the Israel is right crowd.
Even more so with Palin on making Jerusalem the capital.
Anyway, back to the Green twist.
With this debate in the bag, and the poll trends, Obama is the new Tom Dewey if he blows this election.
I can shout “Vote Green” even louder and not worry (unfortunately) that it’s hurting his chances one whit.
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