Thursday, October 30, 2008

Now THIS Is News

Get a gander at this endorsement:
12th Congressional District: Republican Bill Russell vs. Democrat incumbent Jack Murtha

Mr. Murtha, seeking his 18th House term, has become a lot of people's favorite whipping boy. Just this month, he was eviscerated for -- GASP! -- confirming there are racists and rednecks in our midst. And his sharp words following the Haditha killings in Iraq might not have been the most artful but they certainly did force a change in basic tactics, as did his call for U.S. forces to leave Iraq. The military still has no better champion. It's no contest. Re-elect Jack Murtha.

Any guess as to which paper this is? Right - it's THE TRIB. Dickiecougarmellonscaife's little paper that could is endorsing Democrat Jack Murtha over his Republican Challenger Bill Russell.

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