I hadn’t noticed this last night, but Salon’s Joan Walsh points out Palin’s heartless, stuck-on-talking-points blather right after Biden’s touching moment about being a single parent.
Riffing on Walsh, I’m guessing that plays really bad with independent/unaffiliated women, meaning McCain’s “PUMA” bid has finished cratering.
Walsh also gets at one of the most irksome of Palin’s many irksome actions of the night:
I can say for certain, though, that Sarah Palin was talking to — and winking at — her own private Idaho, and for long stretches of the debate.
Amen to that.
Per Walsh’s column, I think the “Can I call you Joe” introduction was staged, though the “kid in a candy store” post-debate antics of “Mom, it’s so swell to introduce you to Gwen Ifill” weren’t staged and were childlike.
Remember, all you GOPers trying to be sweetness and light on the outside — she’s running for president in four years. Have fun waiting.
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