Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Brian Schweitzer closer in bed with King Coal

And, becoming a cheaper whore all the time.

You know, I first noticed this about the time I got the boot from Kos for being too liberal, too green and too much in Armando’s grille, all of which were needed, and none of which were solely my stances.

At about this same time, Kos himself was whoring for Schweitzer, about the same time he started talking about all the closet liberals in the CIA. ’Nuff said right there, right>

Anyway, Schweitzer is now claiming that even synfuels, i.e., coal gasification, is “clean coal.”

When the Democratic Party, at a national level, is so desperate that it parades people like this as future stars, well, that’s yet another reason I’m not a Democrat.

I’m a real progressive. And, I’m not alone:
With the resurgence of the Democratic Party in the West, many Democrats are reluctant to openly criticize their leaders. Although they squirm with every mention of “clean coal,” Montana Democrats remain positively giddy over the prospect of another sweeping Schweitzer victory this November against a weak Republican candidate. Unity, however, does not mean blind acceptance of misguided policies that will lead to economic and environmental disaster. Did anyone else notice that as soon as Obama said “clean coal” in his acceptance speech, half the audience sat down?

Yes, I did, Mr. Greg Gordon, yes I did.

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