Monday, September 29, 2008

Bailout fallout — Boehner a titty baby, Pelosi a hypocritical idiot

After the now-dead bailout (roll call vote is here), we have now the red-hot spin battle.

So, you shouldn’t have been expecting more from Democrats in the first place. (That’s why I’ll be voting Green again this year, as in 2004.)

House Minority Leader John Boehner accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of well-poisoning within the House when he’s really mad she couldn’t deliver enough Democratic votes to cover for the massive GOP opposition.

Here’s the “well-poisoning” speech by Pelosi.

I do think Boehner was pouting.

At the same time, I do think Pelosi’s comments were inappropriate, especially when used to start the speech, rather than in the middle, or near but not quite at the end.

Also, given that Dems have had control of both houses of Congress for more than 18 months now, and haven’t pushed a single piece of financial oversight legislation of any major nature, Pelosi might want to read Matthew 5 about eyeballs, specks of dust and wood logs.

Beyond that, where was THIS Nancy Pelosi when Dennis Kucinich was pushing impeachment? Or on the FISA amendment legislation?

She was being political with her silence, just like she was being political with her noisemaking today.

Are you shocked?

Also, given the events of the weekend, for her to believe that, even without that face-slap at the start of her speech, Boehner was going to deliver 80 Republicans indicates a pretty high level of either naivete or self-delusion.

Finally, a SECOND vote? Not a snowball's chance, in my opinion. Repubs won't budget. Dems in iffy districts won't change their votes without more GOP cover. In fact, Dem no votes might go up.

I'll have a more detailed wrap tonight; Monday is normally my busiest work day in the weekly newspaper world.

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