Saturday, September 27, 2008

The 1st Presidential Debate

I don't like Obama's policies, but I'm starting to believe the guy is way smarter than me and is a master politician.

McCain is a mentally challenged stooge and I can't stand him. The number of personal stories, appeals to patriotism, and distractions in his answers were ridiculous. I couldn't find one thing he said that even made sense or didn't contradict something he said earlier in the campaign. The guy is so far off base on foreign policy. He can cut taxes all he wants, but he (and his party) were responsible for the biggest growth of government in US history.

If Obama didn't carry the ruling class's line about Russia being the aggressor in Georgia, I'd vote for him. However, it's very clear Obama is willing to be an interventionist and is also not willing to question support of zionists.

I don't like Ron Paul's endorsement of Chuck Baldwin. Bob Barr's past makes him a questionable candidate. I guess I need to look into Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney.

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