Kristol backed a href=""derivatives are crashing./a His crowning achievement in Republican party politics was Sarah Palin. He's trying to make a href=""lemonade,/a but I don't think anyone is buying:br /blockquoteIt's an enormous gamble - but it could be a shrewd /br /After all, she's freeing herself from the duties of the governorship. Now she can do her book, give speeches, travel the country and the world, campaign for others, meet people, get more educated on the issues - and without being criticized for neglecting her duties in Alaska. I suppose she'll take a hit for leaving the governorship early - but how much of one? She's probably accomplished most of what she was going to get done as governor, and is leaving a sympatico lieutenant governor in /br /And haven't conservatives been lamenting the lack of a national leader? Well, now she'll try to be that. She may not succeed. Everything rests on her talents, and on her performance. She'll be under intense and hostile scrutiny, and she'll have to perform /br /All in all, it's going to be a high-wire act. The odds are against her pulling it off. But I wouldn't bet against it./blockquotebr /Continetti a href=""gamely tries/a to back up the Bossman:br /blockquotePalin's statement made clear that, while she'll be leaving the governor's office, she is not leaving the national stage. Her book is scheduled for release sometime next year. She pledged to support candidates in the upcoming elections without regard to partisan affiliation. She took aim at the Obama administration's budget-busting spending policies. Palin's enemies have already taken today's news to suggest that her political career is over. It isn't. But Palin may also be thinking that her retirement from office will cause her critics to stop attacking her. She would be wrong to think so. Neither Palin nor the Palin-haters are going away./blockquotebr /As I've suggested before, Kristol occupies a central space in the network of right wing media/think tank types. Vast swaths of the Republican intelligentsia are deeply invested in his success, and he invested himself in the success of Sarah Palin. The Palin stocks have now crashed, and that may turn the investment in Kristol toxic. Kristol and his backers will, for a time anyway, deal with the problem by simply refusing to acknowledge that anything has gone wrong. When a href=""Jonah Goldberg is jumping ship/a, though, things aren't looking good.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src=''//div
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