Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oliver Stone whips out his tin-foil hat on JFK again

At Huff Post, he a href=""touts a new book/a about why Jack Kennedy was “really” /br /First, he ignores that Jack never told LBJ he swapped Jupiter missiles not only in Turkey, but Italy as well, for the Russkies to pull theirs from Cuba. Result? LBJ thought he had to be more a Cold Warrior in Nam than he /br /And, he repeats the unsubstantiable claim that Jack was going to pull out of Nam after he got /br /But, let’s take the Stone-head at face /br /If this is true, the Jack is no better than Tricky Dick. If true, why wasn’t he already pulling out of Nam in fall 1963 rather than playing politics with the war for another year?br /br /Doorknob, Stone is SUCH a /br /And, the commenters on the post are, if anything, even worse.div class="blogger-post-footer"There is no god and I am his prophet.img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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